Year 5 | Open October 1-31, 2021 | Virtual Pop-Up/Online Store

In 2021 we were really able to step up our game. Pivoting to online sales in 2020 felt a lot like starting from the beginning with a totally new business. Ultimately, we learned a lot of what not to do the hard way, so we were able to be more prepared in 2021. We expanded to a much larger studio space with dedicated separate spaces for inventory storage, product photography, order fulfillment, desk work, and rest. We standardized our shipping package sizes and ordered a lot of it in bulk. And we put a much larger focus on elevating the collection through product photography, showcasing nearly every item in our first ever Lookbook.

The 2021 Collection!

Settling into our New Studio!

After our first year as an online pop-up in 2020, we realized we needed a lot more space to work with, so we moved to a much larger studio. Here we were able to set up separate dedicated spaces for inventory storage, a mini makeshift photography studio for shooting the Lookbook (check it out below!), space for pulling orders, packing shipments, and organizing batches of packages to be mailed out! Most important of all though, we had room for our helpers

The 2021 Lookbook (Our first!)

The 2021 Promotional Campaign

Satanic Sundays with Whisks of Doom

The 2021 Monster Market Makers


←Back: Year 4 (2020


Next: Year 6 (2022)

Ghosts of Pop-Ups Past…

Monster Market has been running annually each October for six years as of 2022. Take a stroll down memory lane to see how we’ve grown over the years! Jump to a specific year by clicking a thumbnail below, or scroll to see everything in backward chronological order.

88 North Main Street

Crosstown Concourse

618 South Main Street

Our first year online!

Year of our first lookbook!

Year of the Mini-Mart!